A four-eyed focus on Obsalim

We’ve written about Bruno Giboudeau’s, visit and our training and learning with Obsalim in an earlier post and page. Since July, our two interns Maider Haicaguerre, from France, and Eva Zanettini, from Italy, have been undertaking a focussed project using Obsalim with the dairy herd. Four eyes are better than two, and Maider and Eva haveContinue reading “A four-eyed focus on Obsalim”


At Holy Goat, as much as we farm the land and the goats, we are also aiming to cultivate farmers. In Australia, the average age of farmers is around 53 years of age (compared with 39 years for all other occupations – the latest ABS stats make sobering reading). Agriculture is faced with an agingContinue reading “Insiders”